September 10th, 2008 at 10:09pm |
Today, the day before John was supposed to come home from Santa Barbara, Uncle Woody fell and broke his hip. He was reaching for the sliding glass door in the kitchen, leaning precariously on his walker, and it just slid out from under him. Needless to say, this is awful for someone his age.
Read the rest of Bad news
September 3rd, 2008 at 10:14pm |
True to his word, John drove off to Santa Barbara to stay for a week with our Uncle and Aunt. This time he’s taking his computer because he is planning to use any extra time to update photo tags. Also, he bought Spore and is probably going to be addicted to playing it for a while, […]
Read the rest of John Off to S.B.
September 1st, 2008 at 10:21pm |
It was high time for us to return to S.B. for a visit and what could be better than a long weekend? To make things easier on us we didn’t leave Friday afternoon to struggle with the traffic but instead got up early Saturday morning and had a good drive without any problems. We spent the […]
Read the rest of Labor Day Weekend in Santa Barbara
August 4th, 2008 at 11:21pm |
Sonal and her mom invited us to dinner tonight. We couldn’t actually remember the last time we’d been over for dinner, but it must have been 1-2 months. This time we feasted on pav bhaji, one of our favorites, especially the way Sonal and her mom make it. Lucky me also was also able to […]
Read the rest of Dinner with the Patels
July 29th, 2008 at 10:03pm |
This is my third weaving class, this time with Celia and John. Tonight we worked on our warps so that we can create the heddles next week and get weaving. This is the biggest group yet – 8 people. Lucky for us and instructor Sharie, Mary Walker of Weaving in Beauty likes to hang out […]
Read the rest of Weaving Class Part 3
July 20th, 2008 at 11:36pm |
Tonight we were invited for dinner at Rinku’s house. As we stepped in, everyone was, of course, surprised because they had never seen John without beard. Rinku couldn’t stop laughing of course. We watched Rinku’s engagement video, which was very well done with nice music and made me tear up just a little. Our little […]
Read the rest of Dinner with Rinku’s Family
July 18th, 2008 at 11:26pm |
John had been thinking about shaving off the beard for a while and decided tonight was a good time. It was very strange to see him so changed at first, as if the bottom half of his face had been switched with someone else’s. Right after the deed we headed over to Indo Euro where […]
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July 12th, 2008 at 11:02pm |
Wile John drove out to the farm stand I finished the baby top, sewed buttons on, and washed it. I’m still pretty excited about it because, albeit tiny, this is the first article of clothing with buttons I have ever finished knitting. Then I devoted a few hours to weaving until John got home and it was […]
Read the rest of Khushbu and Saurin’s Baby Shower
July 5th, 2008 at 6:06pm |
Celia gave me about 2/3 of a quart of goat milk yesterday so what do I do? Make yogurt! I followed instructions and used 2 frozen yogurt cubes from the first batch as starter. I started around 9 AM and curiosity got the better of me around 4 PM. It is pretty liquidy but tastes wonderful. […]
Read the rest of Going solo making yogurt
July 4th, 2008 at 5:37pm |
Today, John and I headed out to Tonopah, but he dropped me of with Celia and Jimmie before joining Rob and Jerry at the farm. I helped out with watering and feeding and a few other chores (including bottle feeding Jaanu, one of John’s goat kids) before we made curds from goat milk and tried out John’s new cheese […]
Read the rest of Hanging out at Chile Acres