
Life after Work

Doctor, doctor…

Yesterday and today I had doctor appointments in the morning. Yesterday was my yearly physical which is really just our “family” doctor asking my a couple of questions, recording my vitals (weight, height, blood pressure) and poking and prodding me in a few places. As usual I forgot to ask if my weight is different from […]

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The order is placed

Today my order went out for my very own spinning wheel, a Fricke single-treadle. The treadle part folds up for “easy storage.” I ordered it through Nikol from Yarn School in Harveyville, KS, along with a few pounds of fiber. Unfortunately it will take some time for the wheel to arrive, but I’ll get the […]

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Where do we live again?

The police must be busy tonight, a helicopter is circling over our neighborhood. Could it have anything to do with that shady establishment across the street, called the Candy Store?

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What a disappointment

I thought I only had to take one more class for the associate, instead there are two more. And one of them probably can’t be accelerated. Drats!!! I just enrolled in the communications class, then I have to make a decision about whether to take chemistry or biology. I was more interested in biology, but […]

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One down, two more to go

After desperately trying to focus on my economics book and study guide over the last week I braved the final today, one week before its due date. I don’t know the grade yet but I’m pretty sure I’m over 80% which would still give me an A. I’m getting to the point where I don’t really […]

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Encore for mandolin

A couple months ago John, his mom, and his sister drove down to Willcox and brought back lots of apples, pickles, etc. While John made jar after jar of pickled cucumbers and bell peppers, I ended up slicing over 50 pounds of apples with – you guessed it – the mandolin slicer in small batches […]

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Location.href problem in IE

Another case of something that seemed to always work and now all of a sudden doesn’t. I have a function loadSomething, that when clicked, does only: location.href = ‘someurl.cfm’; And it worked fine in FF but not in IE (6). So, after a few minutes of Googling I found out that you can solve the […]

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Found & Lost

I don’t have a lot of friends and I don’t really socialize that much and that is fine. We have a few friends that we talk to or meet with every once in a while. Today, after I got home, for example, I finally caught our friend Mark online who lives in LA. It was nice to chat […]

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XMLParse and UTF-8 encoding

I know this is supposed to be an AFTER work blog, but I don’t really know where else to keep track of this stuff and this might come in handy again. And I might end up changing the “life after work” tagline at some point anyway. So, here I am trying to xmlParse an incoming datafeed with […]

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I’ve started my lunch walkies about a month ago and really love them. I’m out for a little less than 30 minutes and cover probably a bit more than a mile. I can’t complain about the weather, of course, and I love those little moments of discovery I keep having every time I walk. Today […]

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