
Life after Work


Jimmie Petersen and Caroline with handgunWe drove back out to Tonopah to spend more time with Celia and Jimmie at Chile Acres and, more importantly, for some shooting practice for me. I’ve always considered that I should try shooting a gun while I have the opportunity here in the US and this was a good one. Jimmie owns several firearms that are not too intimidating and enjoys going out for some target practice. I wouldn’t call it target practice in my case since I am not very good at hitting anything but was grateful to be given the chance.

We loaded all the gear into the truck and drove off to Saddle Mountain where I proceeded to try a 22 mm pistol (see photo), a 22 mm rifle, a 38 mm pistol, and a 12 gauge shotgun. I was getting used to the 22 mm caliber, but the 38 mm was pretty scary and so was the shotgun. The whole idea that a false move could kill someone was pretty daunting. It is probably easier to deal with when you learn how to handle guns at an early age where mortality isn’t at the forefront of your mind. It reminded me of learning to drive again at age 30+ and worrying way too much about getting into an accident. No matter what, I think I should do it again, to face my fears, jump over the inner schweinehund, so to speak.

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